Tuesday 16 March 2010

Sports relief let's dance live blog

It's the final of sport reliefs Let's dance series where 6 wannabe celebs battle it out to claim the crown for best polished turd.

Tune in on Tuesday where I'll be live blogging the show with little interest, but trying to provide a wonderful description of what's happening regardless.... See you there

- Hello everybody, Turned up slightly late, so I'm starting this blog 5Min's into the show, don't worry though you haven't missed much.

Like any other dancing competition, the show is presented by two B class celebrities who no one cares about, this time it's Claudia Winkleman and Steve Jones. To be honest the BBC have definitely found the most annoying duo this time.

-the show moves to a filler featuring some stupid fling on the terminator series, seriously our agony would be cut in half if the programme cut out half of this crap

Onwards to the first act however where X and X from GMTV (is that crap still on?) dance to stay in the competition .

-I can't say I'm so impressed with the routine, but the audience seem to love every second of it. Oh that was it? 30 seconds? A nice surprise, i was actually planning on ripping out my eyes if they touched 40seconds

Funny comments from the panel. I must admit, the guy from peepshow Robert Webb and jack Dee are very good choices.

-Katy brands' into video comes on. an improvement to the first, but still full of try hard bad comedy which could make 5 year olds cry.

She comes on and performs a decent dance. She does have the advantage of bouncing back up again if she mucks up and falls over.

I love these judges, I wish they had a panel like this for all these types of shows.

- Grumpy old women next, and I am already sick of this stupid male presenter. Their intro movie is probably the most entertaining.

They dance to lady Gaga's popular poker face, while looking strangely attractive. Oh dear, I'm getting pretty amerced into this performance, shake that booty!

Judges superb once again, these guys make this show. Nice feedback once again, I can see a pattern emerging now.

-Deborah Stevenson's act and introduction. Wait a second, is she some sort of impressionist? All i can say is that she didn't make an impression on me (oh, dear).

She looks like a pretty convincing Michael Jackson actually. Maybe she should consider a sex change. I'm actually impressed, the best overall dance from a serious prospective, but I get the feeling that this show is actually meant to contain light humour, no? I'll stop being grumpy.

I really hate the middle judge, actually impressionists full stop. Having to mimic someone else to create gags i think is slightly ironic.

-Injured Cheryl Ferguson from Eastenders is next, and comes out with an awesome introduction, I was actually convinced she was a raging lesbian there, good show.

Hmmm, anyone else think she looks like a fat white version of will smith from the fresh prince of Belair? She does dance well for a big girl. She's my new favourite.

The panel are up, I actually laughed this time... God bless Jack Dee

- Ugh, Kill this male presenter.... Please


Okay, new favourite.. This guy rocks. However I have concerns that he might be a peado hanging out with all those little girls though.

John Kelshaw really needs to get some new material, I never know if he is doing his normal voice or not...

-Lines are still open, who are you guys going to vote for? Leave your comments below. my money is on the Rufus. In fact the show got progressively better as the acts moved on.

Remember every vote raises money for sports relief, good cause to be honest! Friday 18th, BBC one.

- Ndubs (Nbubz? Z or S? who the hell knows) enter in for a performance - Playing with fire. I wish they did, might die in the process and save my ears from this dreadful song! Whoops did is say that out loud?

Also what is with the dancers in the background, I mean the camera angles are all wrong, the three goons in the middle block their performance in the back... I won't complain too much as the woman isn't that bad looking....... Yup.

-Who do you think will win? I actually think Rufus can dance better than Cheryl Cole and thus should win!

6 Min's to go!

-Short film with the legend who is Lewis Hamilton. Special mention to his F1 effort last weekend, nice podium finish, cool and calm performance in what was a pretty boring race.

-Another performance from some kids who can actually dance. Hm, The music is far too loud for the shoe tapping, how disappointing. Wow the kid on the left is pretty big for a dancer, he must eat quite a few cakes.

Impressive dance actually, I would clap, but clapping at the TV is rather sad.

-Let's dance revision session for the people who actually have a life... Unlike myself who actually live blogs crap like this.

-Kate and Richard, Rufus, Katy Brand, Cheryl Ferguson, Grumpy old women, and Deborah Stevenson all come back on the stage... I've never seen so much shit on a stage at one time.

Here comes the the results.... Dramatic music, and Deborah is out.

closely followed by..... The grumpy old women

Cheryl goes out next

Kate and Richard leave the stage (thank god)

It's between Rufus and Katy... Comon Rufus (no bias)

And the act is....................




Robert Webb prepares to pass on the baton, and Rufus gets crowned the champion turd of the evening. Congratulations.

To close off the show Rufus performs another classy/sexy performance of fight for this love... It is hard to keep all this excitement in my trousers, but I will try...

Thanks for tuning in for the blog guys. Remember to vote for sports relief, it's all for a good cause, and don't forget to tune in on Friday for the live show.

1 comment:

  1. Very funny read dude, loved the raging lesbian comment!!!
